How to make kefir grains from scratch at home from kefir milk and water grains

It is very easy to get moving forward with making kefir grains at home. Many people assume that this is a complicated solution, but honestly, it’s not. You see, many people will find that the ease of use with this option starts with knowing what is inside of the kefir grains and what they are made of, which is an important factor to start with. The following will explore what kefir is, and then how it can be made at home.

The Starting Point

Before you can learn anything about kefir grains, you first need to know what it is. This is a dairy based solution that is much like a drinkable yogurt. It is easy to drink, easy to add to your diet, and can help you garner a bit of success in working with digestive health and much more. If your goal is to live a healthy lifestyle, you will end up with a positive push forward with weight loss, and so much more. The starting point of all of this will be found similar to that of probiotics in yogurt, so remember that to start.

How To Make Kefir

Many people will want to make their own kefir grains, and that’s not a complex thing. To do this at home, you’ll need to look into getting a few things together that can help you with this. To get started with making this, you’ll need to look into getting a jar, a stirring utensil, and a mesh cover or cheese cloth that can breathe a bit. Once you have these supplies you can work with the following process to make sure that this works for you.

The way that this is made is through the use of milk, or water, and the addition of kefir probiotic kits. These kits are easy to work with, and can help you establish a focused solution that produces the grains that you’re seeking. Kefir kits are easy to procure, and are essentially probiotics and active cultures that will help with turning your milk (or non-dairy milk substance), into kefir. This takes a little bit of time, but in time it can work well.

The Process

Ok, so here’s the process that you’re going to want to take to make sure that you make kefir grains. You will need to put 4 cups of milk or water into your jar. Then cover it with the mesh element, and seal it with a rubber band around the jar. Leave this solution in a warm area that doesn’t get over 85 degrees, but doesn’t get lower than 68 degrees. You will see that this thickens up and there will be an aroma that comes off of it. You can then strain the mixture and drink the kefir or you could take the grains that come up within 24 hours.

It’s that simple. You can separate the kefir grains from the liquid and use each part, or you could use it all at once, it’s up to you. However, you will find that this takes a little bit of time to work through, and can take less time if you max out the temperature that you make your kefir at.